The North Carolina Maritime Museum at Southport and Brunswick Town and Fort Anderson will host special events Saturday, July 10 and August 14 as part of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources “Second Saturday” events for the summer. Events will take place at all 37 museums and historic sites throughout the state. More than 100 events statewide will bring together artists, history and authentic North Carolina culture.
“Come play with the clay,” is the theme of Brunswick Town and Fort Anderson's event from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Saturday. Dr. Linda Carnes-McNaughton and Thomas E. Beaman, Jr., RPA, who are experts on colonial pottery, will speak at the event. They will also be on hand to help backyard archeologists identify pottery fragments.
Brenda Bryant, site director, said, “earthenware, stoneware and porcelain have been found at Brunswick Town. We are partnering with artists to promote the arts”.
Local potters and stained glass workers will be on hand to display and sell their wares. Clay will be available so that all participants can try their hand at making pots.
A hot dog lunch, complete with chips and a drink, will be available for a $3 donation.
From 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturday the N.C. Maritime Museum at Southport will host “We Fished for a Living” at the Southport Waterfront Park. This event will celebrate the history of the fishing industry in the Lower Cape Fear area.
P.D. Midgett will sing and play sea chanteys that fisherman sang while they rowed their boats and hoisted their nets. Local fishermen, including some who worked on the menhaden boats, and representatives from the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries will be on hand to answer questions and talk about the fishing industry. There will also be a memorial to lost fishermen.
Spectators may observe Terrie O'Neill, a water color artist, and Ann Flaherty, a fiber artist, working on projects. The Ricky Evans Gallery will showcase works of local artists depicting scenes of the Southport area. Members of the Lumberton Senior oil painting and pottery classes will display their arts.
The Brunswick County Master Gardeners will hold a native plant clinic to help identify local plants and share advice on growing local plants.
“We will have kids' crafts and games,” said Aimee Williams, historic interpreter at the Maritime Museum. “It will be fun for everybody.”
For more information on the N.C. Maritime Museum at Southport, go to or call 457-0003.
For more information on Brunswick Town and Fort Anderson, go to, or call 371-6613.
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